When you join our dental family at Kanaka Creek Family Dental, you can rest assured that we stand behind our work!
We are proud of the dentistry that we provide for you and your family. Our Maple Ridge area dentists go above and beyond the traditional standard of care by providing our patients a guarantee for our dental work.
Our goal is to help you maintain the health, comfort and aesthetics of your teeth and gums throughout your life. We understand the importance of proactive treatment in the prevention of dental disease.
Proactive treatment allows us to save you time, discomfort, and unnecessary expense. At Kanaka Creek Family Dental in the Maple Ridge community of Metro Vancouver, we stand behind the dental services that we provide.
The long-term success of the dental treatment we provide for you depends on your maintaining a proper at home brushing and flossing routine. To maintain the results of your dental treatment, you must also attend regular professional dental exams and cleanings.
The products recommended by us and the frequency of professional recall visits depend on your individual condition.
When a composite restoration is the recommended treatment of choice, we will replace or repair the filing in the event of its failure for a period of 2 years.
If you lose your tooth within 3 years due to failure of root canal, we will credit the cost of the root canal fee towards a replacement tooth (bridge or implant).
We will repair or replace sealants for a period of 2 years after placement.
We will warrant these comprehensive procedures for a full 5 years.
We will warrant dentures and partials for a period of 1 year if a tooth chips or breaks, or if a flange breaks under normal use.